The first fire company in New Hanover was the “Fagleysville Fire Company” established about 1920 - it burned soon thereafter.


Tax Information


Most of the Township's total revenue comes from taxes. This revenue is used for police and fire protection, street repair and maintenance, recreation services and maintenance of facilities, capital improvement projects, and other items.

Real Estate Tax

The Board of Supervisors approves the real estate millage rate for the Township as part of the annual budget approval process. The following is the 2023 millage rate and breakdown:

General Fund               0.957 mills             
Fire Tax Fund 0.310 mills
Recreation Fund 0.180 mills
Road Equipment Fund 0.140 mills

*Property taxes are expressed in terms of mills per dollar of assessed value. One mill is equal to one-tenth (1/10) of a penny or 1/1000 of a dollar. The property tax formula is the mill rate (divided by 1,000) multiplied by the assessed value of the property. For example, with a millage rate of 1.58 mills and a $40,000 assessed value of a home the tax rate would be:

.001587 X $40,000 = $63.48

Molly Bauer is our elected tax collector and is responsible for collecting Real Estate Taxes and Per Capita Taxes.   Please click here for her information.

Per Capita Tax (PCT)

A per capita tax is a flat rate tax equally levied on all adult residents within a taxing district. It is not dependent upon employment.  Each adult resident pays $15.00 annually, with $10.00 sent to the School District and $5.00 sent to the Township.

Local Services Tax (LST)

A local services tax is paid by everyone working in the Township. The tax is $10.00 per year. This tax is usually collected by payroll withholding and remitted to the  Berks Earned Income Tax Bureau . Any individual making less than $12,000 in a calendar year can file for an exemption with their employer.

Earned Income Tax (EIT)

An earned income tax (EIT) of 1% on gross earnings for individuals and net profits for businesses is imposed on everyone living or working in the Township. This tax is distributed evenly between the Township and Boyertown School District, each receiving 0.5%. The collection of the EIT generates more than 50% of the revenues received by the Township.

Open Space Tax (OST)

The Township also levies an open space tax of .15% that is collected with the earned income tax.

Berks Earned Income Tax is under contract with the Township to collect Earned Income Taxes  and Local Services Tax.  Please click here for their website and frequently asked questions.